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Being Brave During Coronavirus

corona virus Mar 26, 2020
Laura Smiling

Hi Brave Friends!

I am writing this to let you know that I am thinking of you all!

I am thinking of the parents that are trying to work from home and keep their kids busy and still learning.

I am thinking of you the person that is scared because if you aren't working there isn't a lot of money for all that you and your family need.

I am thinking of my sweet friends that aren't at school and missing their teachers and friends.

I am thinking of all those that are dealing with an illness and are scared of getting sick. I know how hard you are fighting to stay healthy.

I am thinking of all of you, and it makes my heart grow and ache all at the same time.

I want so badly for things to feel safe again and to regain a sense of security. When I step outside and feel the sun and hear the birds, I start to feel better.  When I walk down my sidewalk and wave and smile at my neighbors or the cars passing, I realize I am not alone. The gentle breeze and warm spring sun center me, and with each breath, I know I am here.

Bravery for everyday life is the small mindful moments that piece themselves together to form your way of coping. Every day I am finding my way to be brave, and I know you are doing the same. 

As I write this, I am sitting at my dining room table and sipping tea out of my favorite mug. I am watching a female cardinal perched in the branches of my holly tree, I want to take a picture of her, but my camera is somewhere else in the house, and I don't want to miss her flying away. I decide to stay and watch her, and even though she may not realize it, we are sitting together. I am staring at her with my hands wrapped around a warm mug as I inhale the sweet scent of my tea. The saying on the Yogi teabag is "Compassion Will Make You Beautiful." Soon she flies away to find new adventures, and I'm glad I had the chance to watch her and to see her go.

Compassion for yourself and others during this challenging time is bravery. Bravery is staying in the moment and finding your breath. Slowing down your thoughts and allowing yourself to be.

When my heart starts to race or my mind is on a roller coaster, I ground myself by taking one hand and placing it at the base of my neck across my collar bone. I then set my second hand just below the first hand, and I just breathe.  With each inhale and exhale, I try to deepen and slow down my breath. I let my hands center me and ground me.

Wherever you are at this time, please know that you are not alone and your feelings are normal.  Taking care of yourself and having compassion for the experience of others is an essential and brave act. 

I would love to hear how you are doing, and if I can support you in any way, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].  You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram @TheBraveGirlProject.

Take care, sweet friends, and know that I am sending you love and light and the courage to be brave!

