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Empowering Our Daughters: Overcoming Bullying and Building Resilience

Empowering Your Daughter to Overcome Bullying

In The Brave Girl Tribe, many girls have courageously shared their experiences of being bullied by classmates and even friends. Hearing these stories has been incredibly helpful for others, showing them they are not alone and providing encouragement and support from their peers.

We understand the growing anxiety our girls may feel, especially during transitions such as moving into middle school or starting a new school. It's natural for them to worry about facing such challenges again.

Our goal is to equip you with strategies to help your daughter cope with past bullying experiences and empower her to rise above them and thrive.

Why is it so easy for our daughters to believe their bullies? Understanding this can help us better support our girls in building resilience against bullying.

8 Psychological Insights Into Why Girls Believe Their Bullies

  1. Negativity Bias: Our brains are wired to pay more attention to negative information. This makes mean comments stick more easily.
  2. Self-Doubt and Low Self-Esteem: Bullying can chip away at confidence, making negative statements seem more believable.
  3. Repetition Effect: Repeated negative messages can start to feel true, even when they're not.
  4. Power Dynamics: Bullies often appear powerful, which can make their words seem more credible.
  5. Social Validation: If others seem to agree with the bully, it can reinforce negative beliefs.
  6. Confirmation Bias: We tend to accept information that confirms our existing beliefs, even if those beliefs are negative.
  7. Emotional Impact: The distress from bullying can cloud judgment, making it harder to see the truth.
  8. Internalized Shame: Bullying can lead to feelings of shame, making victims feel they deserve the negative treatment.

Here are 10 tips to support your daughter if she has experienced bullying

1. Challenge Negative Thoughts
Encourage your daughter to dissect negative beliefs stemming from past bullying:

  • "What evidence supports or contradicts this thought?"
  • What's another way to view this situation?"

These questions can help your daughter break the cycle of negative thinking and build a more resilient mindset. One of my favorite tools is my 9 Automatic Negative Thoughts & Challenge Questions, which you can  Download now.

2. Boost Self-Awareness
Help your daughter identify and see the strengths that define her:

  • "What qualities make you a good friend and a strong person?"
  • "Recall a time when you overcame a difficult challenge."

Recognizing her attributes reaffirms her self-worth and equips her to face new challenges confidently.

3. Practice Mindfulness
Guide her to connect with her emotions in the moment:

  • "What are you feeling right now?"
  • "Where do you feel these emotions in your body?"

Mindfulness helps her recognize and manage her emotions effectively, which is essential for healing.

4. Develop Problem-Solving Skills
Brainstorm together to create practical coping strategies:

  • "What are some positive ways you can handle teasing or exclusion?"
  • "Who are your allies at school you can lean on?"

Having a plan can reduce anxiety about potential bullying and give her a sense of control. If your daughter is experiencing worry and anxiety, my 7 Keys To Solving The Worry Puzzle can be a helpful tool for you and your daughter; download it now.

5. Encourage Positive Self-Talk
Help her craft affirmations that she can use during tough times. My Rising Above Friendship Challenges Affirmations can give her the words she needs when hurting; download now.

  • "What can you say to yourself when you feel down?"

Positive self-talk can be a powerful tool for overcoming moments of self-doubt and reinforcing her inner strength.

6. Role-Play Scenarios
Create a safe space to practice new responses.

In The Survive and Thrive in Middle School course, we have a lesson for parents on Empowering Your Daugher to STAND UP Against Bullying, as well as the Parent's Toolkit for Addressing Relational Aggression, and for our girls, an essential lesson on Understanding Middle School Friendships & Social Hierarchies, plus different role-play scenarios that can help you and your daughter. Use the coupon code SUMMER at checkout to save 15% off the course to help your daughter get ready for this new school year.

  • "How would you want to respond if faced with a similar situation again?"

Role-playing can boost her confidence and prepare her for real-life interactions, making her feel more secure and assertive.

7. Reframe the Experience
Encourage her to find learning and growth in her experiences:

  • "What have you learned from these challenges?"
  • "How can these experiences make you stronger?"

Every challenge has a silver lining; finding it can transform a painful past into a stepping stone for personal growth.

8. Identify Cognitive Biases
Discuss common distortions in thinking:

  • "Are you assuming the worst will happen?"
  • "Are you unfairly blaming yourself?"

Helping her understand these biases can clear the way for more rational and empowering thoughts.

9. Build Empathy
Encourage her to consider the broader context of bullying:

  • "Why might someone act this way?"
  • "How do others feel about this behavior?"

Understanding others' motives and emotions can foster empathy, reduce personal distress, and promote forgiveness.

10. Set Positive Goals
Focus her on what she can achieve despite past difficulties:

  • "What personal milestones would you like to reach this school year?"
  • "How can your experiences help others who might be struggling?"

Setting goals directs her energy toward positive activities and personal development rather than dwelling on past hurts.
As we prepare for the new school year, let's equip our girls with the tools to handle challenges and transform them into opportunities for growth and empowerment. Together, we can help them turn their fears into stepping stones toward success.

We would love you and your daughter to join us in our online, self-paced Survive & Thrive in Middle School course. Click here to get our special 15% off SUMMER coupon.

If your daughter is in grades 5 through 8, we would love for her to join The Brave Girl Tribe for our ongoing discussions on making new friends, dealing with bullies, handling friendship issues, and boosting confidence, among other life coaching topics the girls request when dealing with middle school issues. We meet tonight at 7 pm EST/ 6 pm CST/ 4 pm PST. Click here to register your daughter as a guest.

Explore More Resources on The Brave Girl Project Website

Discover a variety of tools and resources tailored for you and your daughter on our course page at The Brave Girl Project website. Dive in to find additional support that could be instrumental in navigating this summer's friendship challenges. Take a look and see what else might be helpful for you both! Click Here to access the course page.


Laura Hayes
Founder of The Brave Girl Project
Life Coach for Tween & Teen Girls
[email protected]



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