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How To Handle Your Daughter's Tough Emotions: Emotional Dumping

It can be so tough supporting our daughters through their ups and downs. I know that it can feel overwhelming at times, especially when it seems like we’re carrying the weight of their emotions.

That’s why this week, I recorded a podcast episode just for you on How To Handle Your Daughter's Tough Emotions Without Feeling Overwhelmed: Tips for Moms. 

In the episode, we explore what emotional dumping looks like, how to spot when it’s happening, and, most importantly, how to guide our daughters toward handling their own emotions in healthy ways. If you're short on time, here’s a sneak peek at some key takeaways that you can apply today:

1. Venting or Problem-Solving?

One of the most helpful ways to manage these tough conversations is to ask your daughter, "Do you just want to vent, or are you looking for advice?" This simple question sets the tone, so you're not left guessing whether she wants a listening ear or help solving the problem. It also shows her that you're there for her while gently encouraging her to take more ownership of her emotions.

2. Encourage Problem-Solving

When emotional dumping becomes a habit, it can leave both you and your daughter feeling stuck. Instead of solving her problems for her, try asking questions like:

  • “What do you think you could do about this?”
  • “How would you like to approach this situation?”

This helps her see herself as capable of handling challenges, and it builds her confidence. You’re still offering support, but without carrying the full emotional burden.

3. Take Care of Yourself, Too

Being the emotional anchor for your daughter is no small feat. As I mentioned in the podcast, it’s so important to create space for yourself to process the emotional load that sometimes comes with supporting your child. Whether it's talking to a friend, journaling, or practicing mindfulness, taking care of your own emotional health allows you to show up for your daughter without feeling drained.

I know that this emotional work is not easy, but remember—you’re doing an amazing job, even when it feels hard. If you’d like to dive deeper into these tips, take a listen to the full podcast episode. You can watch the podcast on YouTube, or listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple.

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Thank you for being part of this journey with me!

Don’t forget to check out our "Survive and Thrive in Middle School" course!

This course is filled with helpful video lessons and PDFs for parents, along with engaging videos for your daughter that you can watch together. These resources provide strategies for navigating middle school stress and strengthening your parent-daughter bond.

As a parent, you’ll have access to the tools and strategies you need to guide your daughter in solving her friendship challenges and managing her social pressures. You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of what your daughter is experiencing during these formative years and the strategies to help her through the challenges.

Your daughter will have access to lots of videos that will help guide her through the different problems she may experience in middle school. Plus a whole Q & A section that will help her find the help she needs to the experiences that she finds most challenging.

It’s the perfect resource to support you both through this critical time! Click here to join other parents and daughters who are building essential life skills that will carry them confidently through middle school and beyond.

What Does It Mean to Be a Guest?
As a guest of The Brave Girl Tribe, your daughter will have the unique opportunity to join one of our live Sunday Zoom coaching sessions. She’ll get to experience our community firsthand, where girls in grades 5 through 8 come together to share their experiences, receive support, and learn valuable life skills.

We want every girl to feel comfortable, so there's no pressure to turn on her camera or speak up during the session—she can simply listen in and soak up the positive energy! Of course, if she feels inspired to participate, we’re here to welcome her with open arms. Either way, she'll be a valued part of our Brave Girl Tribe experience!

Let’s continue to guide our daughters toward bravery while also taking care of ourselves!



Laura Hayes
Founder of The Brave Girl Project
Life Coach for Tween & Teen Girls
[email protected]
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