How to Support Your Daughter Through Back-to-School Challenges
Aug 26, 2024
As the new school year begins, many of our daughters are facing back-to-school challenges, which can bring up feelings of exclusion, loneliness, and uncertainty. I've heard several girls share common experiences during this time:
- "My friends are talking about things that I am not a part of since I'm not in classes with them, and I feel really left out."
- "There are kids who made fun of me in elementary school that are now in my lunch block, and I feel like they are staring and talking about me."
- "I have no one to sit with at lunch—or at least no one I really want to sit with."
- "I asked a girl to partner with me, and every time she says no, and that she she wants to work alone. But when another group asks her, she'll join them. I really don't know what to do now."
These are tough situations, and as parents, it's natural to want to fix them. But sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is simply listen. Our daughters need to feel heard and validated. Acknowledge their feelings and let them know that it's okay to feel upset or frustrated. At the same time, remind them of their strength and resilience. Communicating your belief that they can handle these challenges is incredibly empowering.One strategy I've found helpful is encouraging girls to write a letter to their future stressed, lonely, or upset selves. This letter can serve as a comforting reminder of their strengths and the things they love about themselves. They can keep this letter in their backpack and read it when they're feeling down or alone. One of my clients put hers into a tiny Mead Notebook, and I even wrote words of encouragement to her in it. This could be a beautiful activity for you to do together with your daughter. It’s a small but powerful way to remind them they are not alone and that they have a well of inner strength to draw from.
Another important point is that many girls find themselves waiting for someone to approach them. The fear of rejection can be paralyzing, causing them to overlook potential new friends who may be feeling the same way.
Encourage your daughter to take a more active role in connecting with others. A small but effective challenge that some of my clients have embraced is the "Smile and Hi" challenge. This challenge encourages them to smile and say hi to one new person in each class. It's a simple yet powerful way to break the ice and start forming new connections.
To help your daughter break the ice and forge lasting friendships, we've created an exclusive worksheet, tracker, and short video guide. Download now to start transforming shyness into friendships! You can also click the picture below to view the short video and get started right away.
It’s also worth noting that middle school comes with many changes, including new support systems. For many girls, this means their trusted school counselor or nurse may no longer be the same person. This transition can be difficult, especially when they feel unsure about who to turn to. Encourage your daughter to take small steps to introduce herself to these new support figures. Sometimes just knowing there is a friendly face they can turn to can make a world of difference.
Remember, as parents, your role isn't to solve every problem, but to provide a safe space for your daughter to express herself and navigate these challenges. Help her see that while it’s okay to feel sad or frustrated, she also has the power to take proactive steps to make her school experience better.
Survive and Thrive in Middle School is an online course designed to guide both parents and daughters through the unique challenges of middle school. The course features concise video lessons and engaging PDF activities, all crafted to provide practical support and strategies. We invite you and your daughter to join us and take advantage of the diverse topics and resources available. Whether you’re navigating social dynamics, academic pressures, or building confidence, there’s something here to help with any challenge you may face together. As a special offer, I’m excited to share a coupon to make this journey even more accessible which is good through September 6th, 2024! Click here
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support both you and your daughter. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.
We’re excited to invite your daughter to join The Brave Girl Tribe as our guest in our vibrant online community for girls in 5th to 8th grade. It promises to be an inspiring session, and we’d love for your daughter to participate!
Just click here to register, and we’ll send you the Zoom link. Our call starts at 7 PM EST / 6 PM CST / 4 PM PST on most Sundays. Joining is easy, and turning on the camera is entirely optional. We hope to see her there!
Let's talk about how we can support your daughter together. Schedule a chat with me today. Click Here!
Explore More Resources on The Brave Girl Project Website Discover a variety of tools and resources tailored for you and your daughter on our courses page at The Brave Girl Project website. Dive in to find additional support that could be instrumental in navigating back-to-school challenges. Take a look and see what else might be helpful for you both! Click here to access our tools and resources page.
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