About You
Are you ready to work with a life coach and put an end to friendship drama, conquer the overwhelming school demands, and overcome the feeling of not being good enough?

Imagine being the happy, confident girl you're meant to be so that:
The friendship drama doesn’t get you down;
You say, “Yes!” to new opportunities that you would have shied away from;
You know how much to take on in schoolwork and activities, so you’re stretched but not stressed-out;
You see yourself doing things you thought only other girls could do;
You're showing up as the best you!

Don't waste any more time living in the shadow of who you are.
This world needs your unique gifts, and it's time to share them.
As your life coach, I help you discover how to use powerful strategies that fit your style so you can be comfortable in your own skin, learn to be seen for who you are, and honor the unique gifts and talents that you have.
I help you bring out that brave girl in you - even if you’re shy and quiet.
“I was nervous that none of the girls would talk to me. Thankfully, my first call was amazing! I introduced myself, and we all got along in seconds. We had so much in common! Ever since the first call, I’ve stayed dedicated to this truly brave tribe.”
- Mya, Member of The Brave Tribe

Here's What I Know About You:
- You're kind.
- You’re caring.
- You’re doing your best in school and life.
- You’re wonderfully different, creative, and smart in your own way! But sometimes you struggle with feeling good about yourself.
- You feel overwhelmed by all the pressure of school, friendships, and parent expectations. And it makes you want to pull the covers over your head and cry.
I’m here for you, and I can help you figure out how to move forward in a way that feels right for you and your personality.
And you’ll have the support of other girls in your age group who are going through similar situations.
Together, we build trust in a safe environment that’s confidential so that whatever you share in the group, stays in the group.
Think one of my programs or workshops may be a good fit for you? Let’s get on a call and find out!
About You and Me
As a life coach, I help middle and high school girls become confident in who they areā€”so they can thrive, not just survive, during these challenging years.
You deserve to become the best version of yourself. And I can help you do it!
When you participate in my programs, youā€™ll:
- Be more confident, calmer, and happier.
- Do more things you didnā€™t think you had the courage or ability to do.
- Have fun getting to know the best version of you.
- Make new friends with girls outside of your school.

"The timing is perfect with everyone being home this year. My daughter is much less worried about starting a new school and making new friends now. Connecting with you and the girls on calls has become a wonderful part of her day!"
- Milissa, Mom of Brave Girl Tribe Member
About Me
Throughout school, I was painfully shy and struggled academically. I often felt lost and behind everyone else. (It wasn’t until college that I felt like my brain “caught up.”) Speaking up for myself was hard; I didn’t know when, or even how to do it.
I needed someone besides my parents who could support and encourage me, and “get me” without judgment.
As an adult, I didn’t want other girls to struggle the way I did, or have to figure out the secrets of confidence-building skills on their own.
That’s why I created the Brave Girl Project—to give girls the skills they need to overcome struggles and shine in their own eyes.
What makes me qualified to help you discover a brave new you?
- I’ve worked with hundreds of girls like you and understand the tremendous social and academic stresses you feel.
- The girls in the Brave Girl Project tell me they’re comfortable sharing in my programs because they feel heard without being judged or “fixed.”
- I’m a certified life coach, licensed school counselor, and certified yoga instructor. I’m trained in mindfulness practices and wellness education.
- I have a BS in psychology from Virginia Tech (Go Hokies!!) and an MA in School Counseling from Marymount University (Go Saints!).
- I’ve been working with kids and teens for the past 25 years, and they’re still my best teachers.
“Ms. Laura reminds me of Mister Rogers. She’s sweet, kind, and so good at helping girls feel better about themselves!”
- Sherri, Mom of daughter who participated in individual coaching
Fun facts that make
me blush
- I stood up on a paddleboard my first try, so now
I'm obsessed with SUP! - I have a sign in my kitchen that says, “When the
smoke alarm goes off, dinner is ready.” I’m better
on a paddleboard than in the kitchen. - As a kid, I was beyond shy until I discovered drama and theater in 9th grade when I was cast in The Scarlet Letter. I had a small part, but it was the perfect step for me to step out of my shell.
- While getting my Masters, Marymount University awarded me the Counseling Graduate of the Year.
...and a few more that make even my dogs smile.
When I'm not helping girls live life bravely, you can find me braving waves in the Outer Banks of North Carolina with my husband and son, playing catch with my two crazy black Labs, or treating myself to a scoop (or two) of chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

Have questions about any of my programs?
"My daughter is so excited to join the Brave Tribe. She told me all about her first call with you and the girls and was so excited to connect with you!
She feels that she has already made friends and wants to make every call.
The Brave Tribe is such an amazing program, and I can’t thank you enough for creating this for girls her age."
- Randi, Mom of Brave Tribe Member