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The Tools Moms Need

Being a mom can be a thankless job and sometimes you may wonder if you are doing a good job (hint: if you are looking for resources, you are doing a GREAT job!).

Use these resources to help you do the toughest job around!

The Brave Girl's Stress Survival Guide

We all need strategies and tools to help us manage stress. In The Brave Girl's Stress Survival Guide you will:

  • Identify your stress triggers.
  • Learn your thought habits that make you feel overwhelmed and are keeping you stuck.
  • Find strategies to manage the stress in your life.
Get the Guide!

Resources for Parents of Girls with ADHD

ADHD looks different in girls. I wasnā€™t diagnosed until I was 44 years old and having that diagnosis finally answered my questions of why everything always felt hard.

These are the resources and tips I wish I had when I was younger!

Give Me the Resources!

The Wheel of Life (WOL)

The WOL is a fantastic tool to help you create more life balance.

Using the WOL, you identify where you are spending your time and how satisfied you are in that area.

Get this Tool!


Affirmations are simple, short and powerful expressions. When you say, think, even hear them, they become thoughts that create reality.

Thirty (30!) of my favorite affirmations cards ready to be printed!

Get the Cards!

Stand Up to Bullying

The Merriam-Webster definition of Bullying is "abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc."

This flyer shows you how to "STAND UP" to bullying.

Download the Flyer

Develop Self-Esteem

We all want our kids to feel great about themselves and have strong self-esteem. As parents, we can do a lot to help our children develop and it starts with us.

Here are my six tips for helping your child develop healthy self-esteem.

I Want the Sheet!

Circle of Excellence

Did you know that your thoughts create your feelings?

The CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE uses your positive emotions and memories to improve your current and future experiences.

Get the Tool!

The Brave Girl Survival Guide

This book has grown out of my desire to encourage girls to see how wonderful they are.

I am so glad you are here and I hope you find this book to be a helpful guide.

Purchase this e-book!